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Glass balcony is a set of systems designed to move and unfold the glass structure in the rail system. In addition to its visual integrity, its useful and more functional structure has taken this modeling one step forward in recent years. One of the most important advantages of this system is that it brings wider and more spacious balcony structures together with people. There are different alternatives to these works that will increase the visual value of your home as well as its financial value. In the past, this application was carried out with the support of pimapen or pvc coating, but thanks to the developing technology and architecture, it became possible to completely transform the glass structures into balconies.

The office partition is a closed wall partition system with sound and heat insulation using gypsum board aluminum or a different building material to make an area independent and create a personalized space. This system is usually made of aluminum glass and wood. You can use half glass and half wood if you wish.

How to make an office partition First of all, it is important to us which model you will work in an office partition whether you want to use a gypsum board wall or a partition wall. If you want to have a glass partition office double-glazed or single glazed office partition profiles can examine.

office partition prices are calculated on the square meter resulting from multiplying the width and height ratios of your office. here you can calculate yourself or you can call us.